Shortage of Blue-Collar Workers

There’s a shortage of blue-collar workers in the U.S. right now.

There are many paths to success. For some, a college degree will lead to an ideal job. For others, vocational training may be a more satisfying option. Here at KB Staffing, we encourage everyone to strive for success, whatever their chosen career field. Nowadays, however, there seems to be a surplus of college graduates and a dearth of blue-collar tradespeople. While this is causing some hand-wringing among employers, it’s good news for individuals interested in going into a trade.

Why Are We Running Out of Tradespeople?

There are several reasons why we don’t have enough blue-collar workers these days, but a big reason is that baby boomers are leaving the job market. They are retiring or passing away faster than they can be replaced. By some estimates, up to 10,000 boomers are retiring each day.

That leaves us in a situation where we now have lots of college graduates who don’t want to work blue-collar jobs. This is frustrating for the employers with open positions as well as the job seekers who can’t find adequate employment. There has long been a stigma attached to blue-collar work despite the fact that many such jobs pay well and offer decent job security.

What Kind of Opportunities Are Out There?

It is estimated that between now and 2026, the construction industry will expand its workforce by about 12 percent. Material handling industries are estimated to need about 44,000 more machine operators over the same time period. So the jobs are out there for those willing to work them.

This shortage means that CEOs and shareholders realize that they will have to increase wages in order to attract more workers. That’s good news for those looking for work in these fields. Now is a great time to consider retraining in a trade, or for young people, attending vocational school.

KB Staffing is proud to represent many blue-collar companies and their employees. We have many full time temp jobs and temp-to-hire jobs open now for anyone seeking work. The Central Florida economy relies on blue-collar workers in agriculture, manufacturing, construction, landscaping, and more.


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