COVID-19 Won’t Keep Us Down

These are strange times we are experiencing, but we will persevere!

It’s been said that we are all in the same storm these days, though we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are working from home, while others are not working at all. Our children are out of school, and for some that is a blessing, while for others this has caused increased hardship, as parents struggle through distance learning while trying to work and keep food on the table. None of this is easy, and no one is unaffected. The lucky among us are safe at home with our loved ones, while essential workers put their lives on the line to keep us all stocked with necessities and safe. And there have many who have not been so lucky… and we keep them and their families in our prayers day and night. We at KB Staffing know these are trying times, and we want you to know that we care about our employees, our staff, and our communities.

Unprecedented Days

While the devastating effects of COVID-19 have been felt worldwide, we tend to feel things most when they affect us directly. This pandemic has affected nearly all of us in some way. From social distancing to schools and businesses closing, the ZOOM meetings, the uncertainty of day-to-day life, we have all had to make some adjustments to our daily routines and how we go about business.

KB Staffing has not been immune to the effects of the coronavirus. We know our clients are struggling, as are our workers. We are working through these difficulties the best we can, charting our course with the guidance of government mandates and CDC recommendations. No matter what business you are in, KB Staffing wants to help you succeed. We will do everything in our power to help individuals maintain gainful employment in a safe manner.

KB Staffing Will Soldier On

We don’t know what the future holds, but at KB Staffing, we choose optimism. We are looking forward to brighter days, when we can all gather without fear of contagion, and we can shake hands with strangers and hold our loved ones close. Polk County will emerge from this scourge a healthier, happier place to live and work. Communities like Winter Haven, Lakeland, Bartow, Lake Wales, and Auburndale will continue to thrive with a spirit of exuberance. Commerce will go on, tourism will rebound, and our lives will certainly be changed after all this, hopefully for the better.


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