Don’t Be Afraid to Put Temp Work on Your Resume

KB Staffing is an expert staffing service located in Winter Haven. As such, we understand that many people still have some reservations about taking full-time temp jobs. There is a lingering misconception that temp jobs don’t look so good on a resume. At KB Staffing, we are here to say that just isn’t true! Basically, it all comes down to presentation.

How to Make Temp Jobs Sound Great
Some advisors and employers may not immediately see the benefit of working temporary positions, but KB Staffing can assure you that there are many. When including your temp experiences on your resume, be sure to accentuate the positive experiences and transferable skills that you acquired in each position.

Temp jobs can be a great way to make extra money while going to school, during the holidays, or to save up for a special goal. If you are temping on the side while prioritizing school or even another full-time job, go ahead and state that fact in your resume. All this does is show that you are capable of handling multiple responsibilities in an efficient manner and that you are driven to achieve your goals.

When listing the temporary jobs that you’ve worked on your resume, list how those positions helped mold you into the competent, multifaceted dynamo that you are today. You can include the soft skills that enhance your employability in any field, plus the hard skills that are pertinent to a particular position you are going after. Dig deep to find the real benefits that you took away from each position you worked in.

Gain Experience with KB Staffing
Whether you are interested in temp-to-hire jobs, seasonal work, or full-time temp jobs, trust KB Staffing to help you find a great position quickly. We know what the Polk County workforce values, and what employers are looking for when they need to fill Central Florida jobs. Put our skills and staffing experience to work for you!

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