Get the Most Out of Your Networking

More and more people are venturing back into face-to-face encounters now after a long, lonely year of primarily virtual social contact. This can be a source of anxiety and stress for some, and KB Staffing is here to help you navigate the real world of professional networking again. 

Putting Yourself Out There
If it’s been a while since you’ve been out around people, you could be feeling a bit rusty when it comes to professional socializing. As a full-service staffing company in Polk County, KB Staffing wants to offer some advice on mixing and mingling at networking events in the area. 

  • Have a goal. What do you hope to accomplish by attending an event? Think about your professional aspirations so you can be better prepared to recognize any opportunities that may present themselves.
  • Attend different events. Go to a variety of events, even ones outside of your field. Attend seminars, conventions, luncheons or other gatherings related to any of your interests or skills. 
  • Listen and show interest in others. You might be tempted to toot your own horn a bit in networking environments, but that isn’t likely to get you the connections you’re seeking. Instead, be a good listener and connect with others by showing your interest in their passions. People want to feel heard, so be the person that hears them. It’s a great way to make a good impression.
  • Offer assistance. Is there something that you can do or recommend to help someone else achieve one of their goals? If so, don’t be shy – share that information! What goes around comes around, so help others if you want to get some help yourself.

Network with KB Staffing
Make sure that the outstanding staff at KB Staffing is on your list of professional contacts! We cover Lakeland, Winter Haven, and the rest of Polk County and we have lots of resources for individuals looking for work. Count on KB Staffing to help you connect with the right people. 

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