Here’s How to Thrive in a Hybrid Work Schedule

KB Staffing has noticed a shift in what the Polk County workforce wants from their employers these days, and what they are asking for is more flexible work options. Since the pandemic brought the concept of remote working to the forefront, employees have embraced the hybrid model of employment. Many employers are now becoming accustomed to the idea as well.

Tips for Hybrid Mode

As an expert staffing service, KB Staffing is focused on creating staffing solutions that work for both employers and employees. There are numerous companies that are able to offer flexible work schedules that allow for a blend of on-site and remote work, known as hybrid work. Before you sign on for a temp-to-hire job that makes use of a hybrid schedule, there are a few things to bear in mind. 

  1. A consistent schedule should be clearly communicated. Managers and workers need to agree on what the schedule will be like at the outset so there are no missed shifts due to misunderstanding. Establish which tasks can be performed remotely and which ones need to be done on-site.
  2. Maintain healthy boundaries. Once you’ve determined what the schedule will be, stick to it. Breaks should be a part of the schedule, regardless of whether you are on-site or working from home. When working from home, have set hours for doing business and let your supervisor know when you are done for the day. Unless you are being compensated appropriately for being on call, you shouldn’t be expected to respond to business communications during your off hours. 
  3. Be patient with communication. It may occur that when you work remotely you are not working the same hours as your teammates, so be mindful of this fact when sending messages and awaiting responses. 

Prepare to Thrive!

Hybrid schedules can be a great productivity boost by cutting down on commute times and idle time at the jobsite. KB Staffing is excited about this development in employment, and we can’t wait to help you find the Central Florida jobs that will create the perfect working conditions to allow you to flourish professionally!

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