• Why Follow Us on Social Media? Get Ahead with KB Staffing

    In today’s fast-paced job market, landing the perfect position can often feel like a race against time. For small business owners and HR managers, the challenge is twofold: not only do you have to find the right talent, but you also need to do it quickly.  Here at KB Staffing, we understand the urgency of…

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  • Dad-Approved Work Hacks: Time-Management Tips Only Your Dad Could Give

    We all know managing time efficiently is incredibly important for small business owners and HR managers alike. But sometimes, the best (and most accurate) advice you can get comes from an unexpected source. With Father’s Day rapidly approaching, we’d like to impart some nuggets of truth that are sure to remind you of your own…

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  • Facing Industry-Specific Staffing Needs? Discover Tailored Solutions with KB Staffing

    In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, finding the right employees to fill very specific roles can feel like a mammoth task.  Whether you’re hiring for warehouse work, construction, or event management, having the right people in the right places (ideally, at the right time) is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and driving growth. That’s where…

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  • Common Myths About Staffing Agencies Debunked

    Navigating the Central Florida job market can be daunting. Employers strive to find the right candidate for their team in a sea of resumes, while job seekers aim to secure not just any job, but the right fit for their skills and career aspirations.  Amid this hustle, staffing agencies stand as beacons of efficiency and…

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  • Passive Candidates in Today’s Job Market: What Local Employers Need to Know

    Are you letting top talent slip through the cracks … just because they’re not actively job hunting? These ‘passive candidates’ could be your next star employee, and it’s time to learn how to attract their attention.  Local employers in Winter Haven and beyond, this blog post is your guide to the world of passive candidates.…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Keep Your Business Running Smoothly by Building a Talent Pool

    Talent pools are incredibly important for the success of your business, but creating and maintaining them can be labor-intensive. At KB Staffing, we specialize in building and managing talent pools so you don’t have to.  Why Should You Build a Talent Pool? One of the main advantages of having a talent pool is immediate access…

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