A Letter to Santa

Dear Santa –

I know you normally don’t receive letters from adults, but this year I hope you will make an exception and read my plea. You see, Santa, I have been very good this year. I am an executive for a small to mid-sized company; I have done a good job and orders are picking up. Now, Santa, my company could really use some more workers, but the hiring process is filled with extra tasks and paperwork, not to mention expenses!

Honestly, Santa, what I really want is employees with a “can-do” attitude that I don’t need to spend countless hours training. Santa, I know I am asking for a lot – but can you just make it so that I can hire qualified workers without all the hassle? I am talking about insurance liabilities and paperwork. Santa, do you realize how much paperwork I have to file to hire one employee? I don’t have a full-time HR department to do it for me; it falls on my shoulders to make sure everything is filed and paid and regulations are followed. This is on top of doing my regular work.

Did I mention that in order to even get to the hiring part, I have to budget time for the recruiting process? That means soliciting résumés, screening applicants from Winter Haven, Lakeland, Bartow and Plant City. It means testing, verifying and interviewing candidates. It is such a resource drain that I can’t always justify it when I really need the help.

Santa, I know that there are good workers all over Polk County ready to work. So, what I am asking for Santa, is a hiring solution. Help me get the workers I need without the hassle. If anyone can do it Santa, it’s you.

Very sincerely,

Dear Chris,

You don’t need Santa Claus – just call KB Staffing! KB Staffing offers no-risk hiring and takes care of recruiting and all the paperwork. Call 863.875.5721 to get started.

Your friend,
S. Claus

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