The 12 “Ways” of Christmas

Forget the seven swans a-swimming, how about some Christmas tips you can really use? We at KB Staffing like to think we are very supportive of our temp workers, so we would like to offer all the temp workers out there some tips for being a successful temporary employee. We call this ode “The 12 Ways of Christmas.” Enjoy!

  1. Dress professionally! It may seem like a no-brainer, but company culture can be tricky to navigate for a newcomer. Ask your recruiter what the day-to-day dress code is, and stick to it. When in doubt, always dress nicer than you need to.
  2. Come prepared. You want to hit the ground running, but your work station might not be ready for you yet. No problem! Show up with a pen and paper ready to take notes and ask questions.
  3. Don’t complain. You may or may not be considered for a permanent position with the company, but if you make it known that you hate the job or the company then those chances go way down. Stay positive!
  4. Don’t be late. We’ve all heard the adage “time is money” – so don’t waste yours or your employer’s. Show up on time every time, and if there’s an emergency call your employer or recruiter right away.
  5. Ask questions! Don’t be afraid of appearing ignorant. It’s better to ask and learn than to do the job wrong and jeopardize your assignment.
  6. Don’t gossip. Office politics and gossip can be a death trap for temp employees. Be friendly but not too social, and don’t engage in bad mouthing ANY employees – you never know who your next boss might be!
  7. Save Facebook for break time. Don’t check your emails, voice mails, or social media while you’re on the clock. Hey, you’re not getting paid to run your own social calendar, so just don’t do it.
  8. Finish the project you’re assigned to. Don’t leave work for someone else if you can help it. You’re a part of a team, but you want to be a valued team member, so see the project through to the end.
  9. Is there anything else you can do? Check with your manager before you leave to see if they need anything else done for the day.
  10. Learn about the company culture. Take part in special events if you’re invited, and learn more about the company you’re working for. It shows that you just might be an employee worth holding onto.
  11. Don’t spend a lot of time interviewing for other positions. You don’t have to stop looking for permanent work, just don’t devote too much actual work time to looking for another position. Employers may interpret this as a disinterest in your current position and you could miss out on a valuable opportunity.
  12. Finally, be patient! Often, temps don’t get the same training that regular employees do. You may have to figure things out, and find your allies that will help answer your questions. Be patient with your employers and coworkers so you can learn how to best assist them.

We hope these holly jolly tips are helpful for you this holiday season, and remember, when you are looking for full-time temp jobs or temp-to hire jobs, KB Staffing has you covered. We are a full-service staffing agency with the skills and experience you need to get working quickly!


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