The Summer Heat Calls for Caution for Outdoor Workers

As a full-service staffing company in Polk County, many of the Central Florida jobs that KB Staffing hires for involve working outdoors. We know that summer in Florida starts early and can be brutal, so we want to remind everyone how to stay safe during the heat.

Preventing Heat Illnesses

Spending time outdoors in Polk County during the summer means exposing yourself to uncomfortably warm temperatures. At KB Staffing, we encourage all of our workers to take precautions to prevent heat-related health issues, such as heat exhaustion, cramps, heat rash, and heat stroke. 

  • HYDRATE! First and foremost, drink plenty of water. Sports drinks that replace electrolytes are great if you’re sweating a lot. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol as those can actually cause dehydration.
  • Dress for the heat. Lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothing will be the most comfortable and provide the best protection from the sun and heat. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are recommended to protect your face, eyes, and neck. A damp cloth around your neck can provide cooling relief.
  • Sunscreen. Living in Florida means using sunscreen on a daily basis to protect against skin damage from the sun’s UV rays.
  • Don’t push yourself. Take breaks in the shade, work at a slow and even pace, and if you experience any symptoms of heat illnesses, notify your supervisor immediately.
  • Watch what you eat. It’s believed that certain foods, especially those high in proteins and sugars, generate more body heat because they’re harder to digest. Go for smaller meals during the summer, and load up on the fresh fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water (like watermelon, cucumbers, and tomatoes). 

Enjoy the Summer!

Take some time to enjoy the summer with your family and friends, and when you need to pick up a full-time temp job or temp-to-hire job, remember that KB Staffing is here to help you find work fast.

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