Working in the Post-COVID Era

As we work toward moving past the pandemic, what work trends are sticking around?

COVID-19 has changed so many things for us all, including the way we approach work. KB Staffing has had to make our share of adjustments to how we hire and train new workers, just like our clients have had to adjust their operating procedures. Moving forward, there are some trends we expect to continue seeing for a while.

The New Normal
As a full-service staffing company in Polk County, KB Staffing works hard to stay informed of how employers are affected by situations like the COVID-19 pandemic. These are a few changes that local employers have been making.

  • Remote working is more widely offered. Many employers will continue to allow employees to work from home whenever feasible. This also means the adoption of new technology to monitor employees’ hours and productivity when they are not physically present in the workplace.
  • A rise in contingent workers. It’s been difficult for many employers to predict what demand for their product or service is going to be, so “gig workers” have become more prominent. These workers are ready to work at a moment’s notice, giving employers more flexibility in scheduling.
  • The employer’s role in the employees’ well-being has changed. Nothing brings people together like a global crisis. The issue of COVID-19 really highlighted the impact that employers have on their workers’ lives, for better or for worse. Responsible companies have worked together with employees to help provide assistance and benefits to those needing it. Wise leaders realize that their employees’ well-being is closely tied to the company’s well-being.

An Eye to the Future
As we head into a murky future, hoping that vaccines are effective and that the insidious virus will soon be under control, KB Staffing is working with area employers and the Polk County workforce to ensure that the needs of both are being adequately met. It’s important that Central Florida jobs not just be filled, but filled with consideration for worker health and safety.

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