Don’t Waste Time With Candidates Who Don’t Match Your Needs

As a full-service staffing company in Polk County, KB Staffing understands the diverse needs of the Central Florida economy. We are familiar with the various industries that operate in Polk County, and with what Central Florida jobs they offer the Polk County workforce. We know there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all job candidate. No single worker will have all the skills to cover every position, so we carefully screen our workers to make sure you get the right people to handle any job.

A Variety of Industries

KB staffing handles companies in lots of different industries here in Central Florida. We make sure that each worker has the right skill set before we send them to a jobsite. Here are some of the industries we staff locally:

  • Construction. We have workers that range from on-demand day laborers to skilled tradespeople for your construction project. If you need a carpenter, plumber, or electrician, we’ve got you covered! If you just need a large group of laborers to complete a simple job quickly, we can handle that, too.
  • Warehouse. There are lots of warehouses in Polk County, and they need workers. We send people to warehouses to pick and pack orders, to handle the duties of forklift drivers, and more. 
  • Citrus and agriculture. Florida is a major agricultural state, and KB Staffing has people who are ready to harvest crops and process and package citrus and other produce. 
  • Event staff. As a popular destination for tourists and vacationers, Central Florida hosts many big events every year. Those events need wait staff, cleaning crews, and others to make them successful, and KB Staffing has enthusiastic, friendly workers ready to staff those events.
  • Cleanup crews. Floridians are familiar with the damage that severe weather events can cause. Fortunately, we have staff standing ready to clear debris as soon as the coast is clear.

KB Staffing Has the Staff You Need

No matter what industry you’re in, KB Staffing can make sure you have the staff you need to be productive and successful all through the year!

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