Exploring the Construction Crisis

Why is construction experiencing so much difficulty finding workers?

Many individuals in the Polk County workforce make their living in the construction industry. It’s an excellent career choice, providing steady work, reasonable paychecks, and a sense of satisfaction seeing the work of a team grow into a meaningful structure. However, the industry as a whole is in the midst of a hiring crisis. Here’s how KB Staffing can help.

An Industry in Crisis

For years, well before the pandemic worsened the situation, the construction industry has struggled with declining numbers of available workers. KB Staffing has seen this firsthand, with more and more construction companies seeking our staffing solutions each year.

So if construction is such a great field to work in, what’s the problem? Well, there are several factors. One is our society’s increased emphasis on the value of a traditional college education over that of a trade school. This is a shame because while a college degree is certainly of value to many, not everyone who goes to college finds their place in the world that way. Trade learning needs to be more readily available from high school forward to provide a broader range of options for students.

A renewed priority on providing trade skill training would help prepare more young people for the real working world. It could also help students learn that the sacrifices they make now in terms of working potentially long hours in physically challenging environments, such as may be encountered on construction sites, will pay off well for their future well-being when they have earned the money to live comfortably and support a family.

KB Staffing Cares About Construction

KB Staffing knows what the challenges and rewards are of the construction industry. If your company has Polk County employment opportunities in construction that you would like filled, KB Staffing can connect you with the Polk County workforce in an effective way to get those Central Florida jobs staffed.

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