Four Tips for Being Successful Your First Week on the Temp Job

So, it’s your first week as a temp job. That first week can make or break your experience. We want you to have the low-down on how to be successful as a new employee. Follow these tips and we think it’s safe to say you will be right as rain:

  1. Arrive Early!

The saying holds true that, “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you’re in trouble”. Show that you’re vesting an interest in the company and in turn, they will consider extending your assignment or hiring you full time!

  1. Be Flexible.

You shouldn’t be a temp worker if you’re NOT flexible, but just in case, go the extra mile. Be willing to travel, stay late or run errands. Flexibility spreads in a company just like enthusiasm—and companies love that in a worker!

  1. Ask for More Work.

Take initiative with every cycle of work given to you. If someone looks underwater, ask if you can help. This will not only expand your skill set and help you learn the company, but it will also make a solid first impression.

  1. Get Feedback.

Whoever is the senior on your position should already be giving you feedback on your tasks. But it’s always good to ask how you can improve or if you can streamline your production. If you’re showing an interest in improving the work you’re doing, the company will take notice!

KB Staffing is a full-service staffing firm in Polk County, serving Central Florida communities, including Winter Haven, Lakeland, Bartow, Auburndale, and Mulberry.  For more information, give us a call at (863) 875-5721 or contact us today.

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