Gaining Experience in a New Field

Starting over in a new career can be challenging, but you can do it!

Sometimes, a person needs a change of pace. Whether you are just starting out on your career path, or you’ve been in the same field for decades, there may come a day when you just don’t want to be in that line of work anymore. That’s okay! KB Staffing believes in the power of following your dreams. If you aren’t satisfied with your job, get a new one. Starting over in a new field does have its challenges, so it’s best to be prepared.

How to Get a Leg Up on a New Career Ladder
First of all, don’t get discouraged. You’ll be surprised how many of your professional skills will transfer easily into another type of work, and your soft skills can make a huge difference. At KB Staffing, we always look at what skills a candidate has that could be useful in the positions we are looking to fill. Still, there may be aspects of your desired career field that you don’t know much about. What to do?

Education is often the key to success, but that doesn’t mean that you have to commit to going back to college to get another degree. There are so many resources available online these days, many for free. Look into what you can learn at home in your free time, and what certifications or other credentials you can obtain.

Experience counts, but how do you get experience in a whole new field? Well, you can look for opportunities to volunteer with a nonprofit organization that is related to that field. Also, internships aren’t just for students. Apprenticeships and residency programs can help you to learn on the job, giving you valuable experience to put on your resume. 

KB Staffing Can Help!
When you are trying to get started on a new career path, be sure to register with KB Staffing. Our expert staffing service has full-time temp jobs and temp-to-hire jobs available throughout Polk County, making it easy to find work in a variety of areas. 

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