In Honor of Mother’s Day: Inspirational Thoughts for the Hard Worker

Here at KB Staffing, we appreciate all of our Central Florida workforce, and we also know that behind every hard worker is a mother who taught him or her how to be diligent, dependable, and (as they say) put your best foot forward.  In honor of Mother’s Day— and all moms— we’ve compiled some wise words of well-known mothers who want you to be the best you can be in all that you do.  From movie stars to First Ladies . . . from comedians to journalists . . . these women offer insightful, inspirational, and sometimes funny, encouragement to do your best.

We hope you enjoy these little reminders, and don’t forget to thank Mom this Mother’s Day for all her encouragement!

“As with any risk, you have to take a leap of faith and ask lots of wonderful people for their hlp and guidance.” – Maria Shriver

“Happy is the person whose faith in his/her mother remains unchallenged.” – Louisa May Alcott

“If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.” – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

“Sometimes when I want to take on the world, I try to remember that it’s just as important to sit down and ask my son how he’s feeling or talk to him about life.” – Angelina Jolie

“I think everyone probably feels the same thing: You go through big chunks of time where you’re thinking, ‘This is impossible— oh, this is impossible.’ And then you keep going and going, and you sort of do the impossible.” – Tina Fey

“The fastest way to break the cycle of perfectionism and become a fearless person is to give up the idea of doing it perfectly— indeed to embrace uncertainty and imperfection.” – American journalist Arianna Huffington

“This is my system for paying bills. See, I throw ’em all up in the air, and those that land face up are the winners.” – Lucy Ricardo (I Love Lucy)

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

We hope that this inspires you to keep doing your best, and before you leave our website, click here to learn more about what new temp to temp-to-hire jobs we have available through our website’s employment opportunities page and apply online today!

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