• Growing Pains? Small Businesses Need HR Support to Succeed

    As a small business owner, your primary focus is your business. You want to grow it, make it profitable, and ensure its success for years to come.  But as your business grows, so do the tasks that come with it. Suddenly, you find yourself swamped with HR tasks, such as recruiting, hiring, and managing your…

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  • KB Staffing’s Options Mean the Perfect Fit for Your Business

    Are you tired of the HR headaches and administrative costs associated with staffing your business? The staff here at KB Staffing is ready and eager to help. We understand the challenges facing businesses when it comes to staffing, which is why we offer a range of options to fit your company’s needs. Our staffing solutions…

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  • Polk County’s Talent Pipeline Feeds the Manufacturing Industry

    Polk County in Central Florida is absolutely booming with opportunities for skilled workers looking to pursue a career in manufacturing. But what exactly sets Polk County apart from other destinations for manufacturing talent? The answer is simple: a strong manufacturing talent pipeline and a variety of intangible factors that make it a desirable place to…

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  • Cut Employment Costs and Boost Productivity With KB Staffing

    Starting off the year with lower employment costs and higher productivity sounds like a dream come true for any business owner. But how can you achieve these goals?  The answer lies in creating a more flexible workforce. That’s something we specialize in here at KB Staffing. According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor…

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  • Set Yourself Up for Success With Work Resolutions

    As we make our way into a fresh new year, it’s time to start thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions. Many people focus on personal goals like weight loss, exercise, and saving money, but what about setting work resolutions?  Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, improve your skills, or just become a better…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Adjust to Industry Trends With Temporary Staffing Solutions

    In today’s fast-paced world, you might as well throw your crystal ball out the window. Nobody can predict the future with 100% certainty. But when it comes to handling staffing needs, experience in industry trends, salary benchmarks, and competitor activities can be your guiding light.  This is where a savvy staffing agency comes into play,…

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