• Find Part-Time Employment now to Prepare you for the Holidays

    It may seem like it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas, but the truth is that it will be here before you know it. Right know is the right time to find part-time employment in Lakeland, Plant City, Mulberry or throughout Polk County so you’ll be prepared for the extra expenses that come with…

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  • Polk County Business News Highlights Expo

    The 1,000-member Puerto Rican/Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Polk County, teaming up with its sister chambers throughout Florida, will be hosting an International Business Expo intended to show what can be offered by Florida to the international business community. The 2014 Business Convention for the Americas/Mission Florida will be held on October 16 and 17…

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  • New Florida GI Bill to assist employment of veterans

    After World War II, the GI Bill provided military personnel returning from the conflict with access to education and training for employment. The same programs have not been readily available to veterans of the Vietnam, Desert Storm, and now Afghanistan and Iraq wars. On March 31, Gov. Rick Scott signed the Florida GI Bill, which…

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  • Polk County Business Growth: Legoland to Add New Call Center

    Here at KB Staffing, it’s always interesting to see how the businesses in our area of Polk County are growing and expanding. Many of them have added on new buildings or added a new wing. It is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of these developments, as many of these businesses have…

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  • Polk County Population Growth Demands More Jobs

    A new report by RealtyTrac, which studies population and rental income data, revealed that Polk County has been named the nation’s fifth-best market in the country for renting homes to baby boomers with almost 25 percent of Polk’s population being comprised of boomers in 2013. Since many boomers are experiencing major life changes that often…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Master Workforce Flexibility to Make It Through Tough Economic Times

    When the going gets tough, the tough get flexible. In these challenging economic times, businesses across the board are feeling the pinch.  Enter workforce flexibility with temp employees, the unsung hero of sustainable business practices. It’s time to rethink your Central Florida hiring processes – and explore how a staffing agency like KB Staffing can…

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