Snapshot of the Florida Job Market

Florida is growing, and so is our economy. How is this affecting the state’s labor market?

Palm Trees, Florida, Tropical, Sky, Blue

Central Florida is a hot job market. With 900 new residents arriving every day, it’s important that the state have sufficient employment opportunities. There is good news, according to the Florida Chamber Foundation. Florida is expected to add more than 200,000 new jobs just this year. KB Staffing is poised to help present Polk County employment opportunities to all job seekers.

What Is the State of Employment in Florida?

The business advocacy group, Florida Chamber Foundation, recently released their annual assessment of the state’s economy and has stated that Florida has been creating jobs at a faster pace than the rest of the nation every year since 2012. Our manufacturing base grew three times faster the country on average last year. The continuing influx of new residents brings $1.19 million in income to the state – EACH HOUR. With so much activity, it stands to reason that there are new opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship being generated every day.

Experts at the Florida Chamber Foundation see Florida standing at a crossroads, where we have the potential to become one of the world’s largest economies by 2030. In order to achieve this, the Chamber champions free enterprise and the approach of growing the private sector. They advocate to promote a “united business community” in order to best serve all Floridians.

There are some obstacles to attaining that golden dream of Florida’s future. For one thing, Florida is experiencing a skills gap that has resulted in 284,000 job vacancies throughout the state. That means that the available candidates for work don’t always possess the skills for the required positions, thereby increasing the demand for those skills and the potential for a higher salary. Another issue is the push by some groups to do away with the state’s tourism marketing agency, Visit Florida. Tourism is a major force in Florida’s development.

KB Staffing Can Help You Find the Jobs

Fortunately for you, KB Staffing is here to connect these highly sought-after positions with the Polk County workforce. Whether you are a new arrival to Florida, or a seasoned native, we can help you find the work you need. KB Staffing is an expert staffing service that is dedicated to working to improve the Central Florida economy.

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