Job Listings Are Evolving

Employers are using a variety of new techniques to attract high-quality job applicants.

Job, Job Offer, Workplace, Job Search

We often hear advice for job candidates that suggests that they update their resume and make sure it adheres to current conventions. Well, the same goes for the recruiters running job ads. Just as employers look at resumes differently now than in years past, job candidates are scanning the job listings in a new way. KB Staffing wants to help ensure that your next job listing is hitting its target audience.

How Are Job Listings Changing?

In the same way that resumes have moved beyond a generic list of a candidate’s general skills and become more detailed on relevant skills, many companies are dropping the list of common desired traits to focus on the most critical skills required. Phrases like “detail-oriented” and “team player” are out.

  • Ads are more focused on what is being offered. Companies are learning to lure quality candidates in by broadcasting what the benefits of their workplace are. This may even include a description of the company culture. Candidates want to hear why they should come work for you as opposed to a competitor.
  • Transparency is important. Employers don’t want to waste time interviewing candidates who will immediately turn down a position due to salary considerations or other sticky points. Including a salary or range in the ad will reduce the number of applicants to those who would be satisfied at that level. Being upfront about any negative aspects of the job also helps weed out people who would ultimately not be good candidates.
  • Ads that do double duty. Many job ad placers are realizing the importance of positively representing their company in the listing itself. Ads are becoming more captivating and branded in order to capture the attention and interest of potential candidates who perhaps were not actively seeking to change jobs.

KB Staffing Can Help You Find the Right People

Once you have a job listing drawn up, send it on over to KB Staffing. We are an expert staffing service in Polk County that specializes in filling Central Florida jobs. You can reach us at (863) 875-5721.

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