• Simplify At Work?

    Simplify is today’s catch word. Advice on various ways to simplify your life is offered abundantly in magazines, books, videos and seminars. Whether streamlining activities, eliminating unhealthy habits, working smarter or embracing a minimalist lifestyle, one can find “expert” recommendations to support every angle – for a fee. Certainly it is easy to see that…

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  • A Letter to Santa

    Dear Santa – I know you normally don’t receive letters from adults, but this year I hope you will make an exception and read my plea. You see, Santa, I have been very good this year. I am an executive for a small to mid-sized company; I have done a good job and orders are…

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  • Get in the Game with KB Staffing

    Time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we were in a recession and nothing was moving. Then, slow and steady, here and there, wheels turned. Things were getting done. It was gradual, almost subtle and without fanfare. Now, the groundwork has been laid. Horizons are expanding. Today, it is safe to say the thought…

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  • How to Choose From a Sea of Staffing Agencies

    Managing a company or a department means working harder than ever before to get the job done. The time and expense of hiring new workers is what leads many managers to seek the help of a professional staffing firm. Price points can make or break a deal; it is crucial to get the most value…

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  • The time is Now! Move Forward with KB Staffing

    The Fall Trucking report from Transportation Alliance Bank indicates steady growth in the trucking and transportation industry. This is a good indicator of the greater economy which traditionally follows suit. Another good source, the Industrial Production Index is also showing a slight uptick in the months from April through July. The Institute for Supply Management’s…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Speed Up Your Hiring Process and Keep Up With the Fast Lane

    You’ve got a fast-paced world to conquer, deadlines to meet, and a business to run. The last thing you need is a slow and painful hiring process dragging you down, right?  Buckle up – at KB Staffing, we’re about to put the “speed” back in your staffing needs. Why Speed Matters in Hiring According to…

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