• Busy is a Good Thing!

    Have you noticed that in recent months, everyone seems busier? Not just at the office, but personal lives, too. Is it because during the economic slump we started doing more with less? Whether in Winter Haven, where LEGOLAND and the CSX Transportation Hub are among the economic stimuli, or in Lakeland, which is seeing numerous…

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  • Get More for Your Man-hours

    Now that the job market is on a steady course to recovery, there is an increasing focus on efficiency. Resources are precious and everyone understands the need to get as much as possible out of each man-hour. Automation has played its part in changing the nature of workload management. Even so, every decision must be…

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  • What is an Employment Facilitator?

    An employment agency places workers in jobs. An employment facilitator understands the big picture involving the skills and talent employers need, and helps the workforce meet those needs. Initiating solutions through creative and flexible programs, an employment facilitator ends up making a positive difference in the community. Start with a full-service employment agency; add wisdom,…

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  • Skimming for Facts: an Automatic Response to a Busy World

    If you are skimming this article instead of reading it, it’s probably because you just want to read only the part that addresses your hiring dilemma or solves your company’s staffing issues. If the article was your first point of entry to the Web site, then you are more likely to read at least a…

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  • Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year

    Now that we have come to the end of 2012, looking back we can see what an amazing year it has been. Throughout Polk County, business continues to grow at a healthy and sustainable pace. Diverse industries are putting down roots in local cities, such as Bartow and Lakeland. Winter Haven’s LEGOLAND Florida initiated expansion…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Speed Up Your Hiring Process and Keep Up With the Fast Lane

    You’ve got a fast-paced world to conquer, deadlines to meet, and a business to run. The last thing you need is a slow and painful hiring process dragging you down, right?  Buckle up – at KB Staffing, we’re about to put the “speed” back in your staffing needs. Why Speed Matters in Hiring According to…

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