• More Than Just Job Descriptions

    What a wild ride these past couple of years have been! We have all faced so many challenges, and in many ways are still trying to find our way back to “normal.” While KB Staffing has stayed busy, we’ve definitely noticed some changes when it comes to the employment scene, and we bet you have,…

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  • Got a Case of the Mondays? Try These Tips

    Do you remember Garfield, the lazy-but-lovable, lasagna-gobbling, orange tabby that was a Sunday staple in the comic pages for years before hitting the big screen? Well, if you remember Garfield, you probably recall his strong disdain for Mondays. Many of us could relate to that feeling. Even the team of dedicated pros at KB Staffing…

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  • Side Hustles Can Be Lifesavers

    Let’s be honest. Inflation affects all of us to some degree. At KB Staffing, we aren’t immune to the effects of rising prices, so we know the stress caused by seeing your income go faster than it used to – and not as far. The Central Florida economy is a strong one, though, so there…

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  • Make Sure Your Company Is Attractive to Workers

    In case you haven’t heard, not every company has a stellar reputation among the Polk County workforce. While some employers may take the stance that anyone would be lucky to work for them, a wise manager understands how to make a business stand out as a highly desirable source of terrific Central Florida jobs. KB…

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  • Are You Passing Up Great Candidates?

    When your company is looking for new employees, it can be tough to figure out ahead of time how well a candidate will actually work out in the role you’re hiring them for. As a full-service staffing company in Polk County, KB Staffing specializes in screening applicants for you, so you can get the best…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Adjust to Industry Trends With Temporary Staffing Solutions

    In today’s fast-paced world, you might as well throw your crystal ball out the window. Nobody can predict the future with 100% certainty. But when it comes to handling staffing needs, experience in industry trends, salary benchmarks, and competitor activities can be your guiding light.  This is where a savvy staffing agency comes into play,…

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