• Skimming for Facts: an Automatic Response to a Busy World

    If you are skimming this article instead of reading it, it’s probably because you just want to read only the part that addresses your hiring dilemma or solves your company’s staffing issues. If the article was your first point of entry to the Web site, then you are more likely to read at least a…

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  • Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year

    Now that we have come to the end of 2012, looking back we can see what an amazing year it has been. Throughout Polk County, business continues to grow at a healthy and sustainable pace. Diverse industries are putting down roots in local cities, such as Bartow and Lakeland. Winter Haven’s LEGOLAND Florida initiated expansion…

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  • Simplify At Work?

    Simplify is today’s catch word. Advice on various ways to simplify your life is offered abundantly in magazines, books, videos and seminars. Whether streamlining activities, eliminating unhealthy habits, working smarter or embracing a minimalist lifestyle, one can find “expert” recommendations to support every angle – for a fee. Certainly it is easy to see that…

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  • A Letter to Santa

    Dear Santa – I know you normally don’t receive letters from adults, but this year I hope you will make an exception and read my plea. You see, Santa, I have been very good this year. I am an executive for a small to mid-sized company; I have done a good job and orders are…

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  • Get in the Game with KB Staffing

    Time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we were in a recession and nothing was moving. Then, slow and steady, here and there, wheels turned. Things were getting done. It was gradual, almost subtle and without fanfare. Now, the groundwork has been laid. Horizons are expanding. Today, it is safe to say the thought…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Adjust to Industry Trends With Temporary Staffing Solutions

    In today’s fast-paced world, you might as well throw your crystal ball out the window. Nobody can predict the future with 100% certainty. But when it comes to handling staffing needs, experience in industry trends, salary benchmarks, and competitor activities can be your guiding light.  This is where a savvy staffing agency comes into play,…

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