Phone Interviews Are Serious Business

As the way we interact continues to evolve, phone interviews for jobs are becoming more common. There are some pros and cons to doing an interview over the phone, so KB Staffing would like to offer some pointers so you can be prepared to excel in your next phone interview.

Succeed Without Being Seen
KB Staffing is your full-service staffing company in Polk County, and when you work with us we want you to succeed! Getting an interview is just the first step to success. Follow these guidelines for your next phone interview to make your best impression on the employer.

  • Take it seriously. A phone interview is still a professional interaction, so while it’s okay to dress casually for a phone call, do not act casual. Give the conversation your full attention, be respectful, and use active listening skills.
  • Punctuality matters. If they are calling you, be ready to take the call at the appointed time. If you are to call them, make sure you do so at the correct time.
  • Appropriate setting. Turn off the TV, send the kids outside, do what you need to do to create a quiet environment for the call. Do NOT do a phone interview while driving! Not only is that simply unprofessional, distracted driving is not safe.
  • Use a good quality phone. If you have a landline, that’s probably the best phone for the interview. Otherwise, use the best phone that you have access to, in a location that has reliable reception. If you do get a bad connection, offer to call the interviewer back from a better area.
  • No interruptions. Never ask an interviewer to hold so you can take another call. As much as possible, avoid having any type of interruption to the call. Also, don’t interrupt the interviewer when they’re speaking.
  • No eating. Would you show up to an interview with a sandwich in your hand? No, so don’t snack on the phone, either.

Give Us a Call
KB Staffing is ready to get you to work, so quit looking for Central Florida jobs on your phone and talk to us instead! We have plenty of full-time temp jobs and temp-to-hire jobs throughout Polk County that are available now, so what are you waiting for?

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