What Hiring Trends Are in Store in 2023?

A new year is a great time for a fresh start, and if you want to make the most of 2023’s career opportunities, it’s good to know what’s going on in the working world. As your full-service staffing company in Polk County, KB Staffing is here to keep you informed on current trends in the hiring sphere.

Where We’re Headed in 2023
The economic climate has been a bit uncertain this past year, so it’s hard to say what’s ahead with any degree of certainty, but KB Staffing has a few ideas of what to expect.

  • Layoffs: Some major companies have been experiencing layoffs in the past couple of months, and we expect to see more of the same in 2023. However, with unemployment numbers being at historic low points, we don’t expect there to be a great surge in terms of people looking for work.
  • Remote Work: Individuals seeking work continue to express a clear preference for remote options, though. While more companies are offering remote employment than they were before the pandemic, it’s still relatively uncommon, resulting in a high level of competition among job applicants for what remote positions there are available. 
  • Benefits: The good news is that the benefits that companies offer are improving overall, especially for jobs on the lower end of the pay scale. There is a greater recognition of the need for accessible health care — including mental health care — and employers are stepping up to increase coverage for workers, especially in industries that require significant contact with the public, such as hospitality and child care.
  • Employee Morale: Job satisfaction is a continuing concern for many job seekers. Younger workers especially want to feel that their work is meaningful in some way. Employers have been a bit slower in their response to this demand, but there is a dawning awareness of how employee morale affects a company’s productivity.

Trust KB Staffing
KB Staffing is an expert staffing service that has established a strong relationship with the Polk County workforce over the past 20 years. You can count on us to be here in the coming years to do our part in keeping the Central Florida economy strong for individuals and companies alike by providing staffing solutions that work.

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