• Polk County Preps for New Work

    Are you ready to work? Because Polk County is a fast-growing community, with new businesses constantly cropping up and offering more services and jobs. We serve many of these businesses in their pursuit of human resource solutions and expert staffing options. Just one of the many companies putting down roots in Polk County is the…

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  • Three Staffing Resolutions that will Help Improve Productivity

    If you’re like us, and you’ve already taken a good, hard look at how you can improve productivity in 2015, then today’s blog will probably validate a few goals you’ve already set. That being said, when you’re ready to start putting these goals in motion, don’t hesitate to give your human resources experts here at…

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  • KB Staffing Wishes You Happy Holidays

    The Holidays are the perfect time for KB Staffing to take a moment and extend a heartfelt thank-you to all of our wonderful clients! As we here at KB Staffing reflect on 2014, we realize how much gratitude we owe all of you who trust us to provide you with the best staffing solutions in…

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  • What Does a Bad Hire Cost You?

    Bad hires cost. How much can vary from company to company, but the US Department of Labor and Statistics reports that a bad hire costs you around 30% of his or her first year’s prospective earnings. These expenses include exit interviews, severance pay, overtime for employees once the bad hire is fired, the cost of…

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  • How to Prepare for Temporary Employees

    Using temporary staffing solutions can be an economical and smart solution to staffing problems if you plan accordingly. There are several steps you can take to make sure your staffing agency understands your specific needs and fills them efficiently, at the lowest cost to you. First, it’s a good idea to get an understanding of…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Master Workforce Flexibility to Make It Through Tough Economic Times

    When the going gets tough, the tough get flexible. In these challenging economic times, businesses across the board are feeling the pinch.  Enter workforce flexibility with temp employees, the unsung hero of sustainable business practices. It’s time to rethink your Central Florida hiring processes – and explore how a staffing agency like KB Staffing can…

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