• Spring Forward and Keep the Spring in Your Step

    Time Management Tips for Keeping Productivity High, Even When We Lose the Hour of Sleep Well, folks, it’s that time of year again— time to move the clocks forward and spring ahead! Daylight Saving Time and losing an hour of sleep can be a rough transition for a lot of people, so here at KB…

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  • Three Signs You Need a Temp Worker While Your Employee Is Out on Temporary Leave of Absence

    It’s doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know certain things, like how it’s difficult for a Polk County business— or any business, for that matter— to make a profit when employees are missing work.  In fact, according to a study conducted by HR.com, just one employee missing work can cost a company as much as…

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  • Tips from Our Staff for Working Moms and Dads

    Recently, one of our valued team members welcomed a new addition to the family!  Here at KB Staffing in Winter Haven, we couldn’t be happier for her, as both Mom and baby are doing great and are very healthy.  This inspired us to bring up the topic of balancing work and kids’ schedules, which can…

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  • Best Work Advice from our Past Presidents of the United States

    President’s Day is on February 19, and we wanted to take a moment to honor our country’s forefathers and leaders of the past.  We thought the best way to honor them while encouraging our current Central Florida workforce was to share some inspiring, yet practical words of advice.  What did they think about putting in…

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  • Love Yourself: Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep and Increasing Work Productivity

    It sounds so simple, and yet most working Americans have trouble obtaining it.  We’re not talking about a great job or productivity while on the clock, but rather, something that has a direct effect on it— the quality of sleep you had the night before. During the month of February, we want to encourage our…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Adjust to Industry Trends With Temporary Staffing Solutions

    In today’s fast-paced world, you might as well throw your crystal ball out the window. Nobody can predict the future with 100% certainty. But when it comes to handling staffing needs, experience in industry trends, salary benchmarks, and competitor activities can be your guiding light.  This is where a savvy staffing agency comes into play,…

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