• Get Out of the Vicious Cycle!

    It is a familiar scene across Polk County. You are a manager who needs to hire additional staff. You don’t have time to jump through all the hoops that are necessary to hire off the street, but you want the best workers. You haven’t considered soliciting the help of a temporary employment agency because you…

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  • It’s All About Knowing the Right People in Winter Haven and Lakeland

    The economy: is it up or down? There seems to be a different story at every turn. The news from Polk County is of a positive momentum in the labor market. Not just in Winter Haven, but in Lakeland as well, the increasing demand for both skilled and unskilled workers is reflected in the lowest…

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  • A Workforce Liaison in the Lakeland – Winter Haven Area

    The workforce is busy in Winter Haven. Numerous construction projects are underway and many are completed. New workers are being hired every day to staff growing businesses. In Lakeland, too, companies are expanding. The business environment is very favorable to manufacturing, warehouse, logistics, and construction. In the past year, over 1000 jobs have been created…

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  • Why Hire “Temporary” Personnel for a Permanent Position?

    You have an open position to fill, or maybe several and you want to be as efficient as possible with your HR man-hours. It makes sense to dive right in with a full-force recruiting campaign; interview, screen, test, and make an offer to the best candidate. Even once that hurdle is passed there is much…

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  • Clarifying What a Staffing Agency Does

    There is so much information floating around the internet that it is often a challenge to decipher what is important and what is not, indeed even what is real and what is not. That might explain why so many people still do not understand what a professional staffing agency really does. Staffing services often get…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Speed Up Your Hiring Process and Keep Up With the Fast Lane

    You’ve got a fast-paced world to conquer, deadlines to meet, and a business to run. The last thing you need is a slow and painful hiring process dragging you down, right?  Buckle up – at KB Staffing, we’re about to put the “speed” back in your staffing needs. Why Speed Matters in Hiring According to…

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