• ‘Overqualified’? Turn That Label Into an Advantage

    Many of us who have been in the workforce for a while – for decades, perhaps – have encountered the frustration of being turned down for a job due to being “overqualified.” As an expert staffing service handling Polk County employment opportunities for almost 20 years, KB Staffing has certainly heard this reasoning more than…

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  • A Positive Work Culture Benefits Everyone

    We all spend a good chunk of our time at work every week, and at KB Staffing, we believe that our work environments should cause us as little stress as possible. So we recently asked ourselves, what creates a positive work culture? Here’s what we came up with. How to Establish a Healthy Environment at…

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  • Do We Need to Reconsider the Value of Soft Skills?

    If you follow the KB Staffing blogs, you’ve probably seen us talk about soft skills more than once. The term “soft skills” is used to refer to those characteristics in an employee that make the person a quick learner, great team player, and a generally very effective worker. Traits like being a good listener, critical…

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  • Four Easy Steps for Building Confidence in the Workplace

    KB Staffing is a full-service staffing company in Polk County, and as such we are dedicated to providing the support our temporary workers need to achieve success. Today we’d like to offer a quick confidence-building pep talk to encourage all of our readers to reach their career goals. Confidence Matters We at KB Staffing love…

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  • Are You Accurately Assessing Applicants’ Soft Skills?

    As an expert staffing service, KB Staffing has a great deal of experience when it comes to screening job applicants for Polk County jobs. One thing we are always on the lookout for is candidates with excellent soft skills. Soft skills are those qualities in an individual that make them suitable for many different types…

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FDOT Flagger Certification Course

We are now offering this course onsite for our clients’ employees. Sign up for class now!

  • Adjust to Industry Trends With Temporary Staffing Solutions

    In today’s fast-paced world, you might as well throw your crystal ball out the window. Nobody can predict the future with 100% certainty. But when it comes to handling staffing needs, experience in industry trends, salary benchmarks, and competitor activities can be your guiding light.  This is where a savvy staffing agency comes into play,…

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